Thursday, November 03, 2005

What if you don't know what you need to do?

Question Asker: krisjayg

What if you don't know what you need to do?

If you have a decision that has various good points to
it and you can't decide and need guidance.

I like to be in control,and know which way I'm going at
all times. The bible says "My people parish without a
vision." I like to know where I'm heading.

Do I just ask and wait to see what happens?

Written Answer:
Feel it along the way...

How do u know a decision is good? What criteria to base yr judgement?

By seeing whether it brings about the result u want.

How u know a decision will bring about it?

Just by logical thinking is not enough, for u can only take into account what u have known but not u have not yet known.

Which one are more? Known or Unknown?


That's why, if u base yr judgement upon logical thinking (analysing), solely, it will turn u down, normally.

If u let yr feeling guides u, it takes into account the Unknown.

Podcast Detail:
Time Length-1:20
File Size -236kb
File Format- MP3 24kbps 16khz

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