Sunday, October 23, 2005

Reborn to be Water

Question from: Rachel Gairola

U r not losing relationship with God. U r just reconstructing yr understanding twd this concept called GOD.

Before that what we thought God was, was established upon other ppl's teaching. How they know God like that? They know it from other ppl's teaching. How these "other ppl" know it anyway, u might ask. Again, they know it from other ppl's teaching also...

Now we have the glory to know God *directly* thru our own feeling, bypassing any third party!

God speaks to everyone, but not everybody listens to it. (Go and get "Coversation with God")

When u try to listen to him, at first u cannot hear him, bcoz u used to listen to yr brain. When u r more familiar to guide yr thoughts with yr feeling, u r closer to God.

When u let go yr identity of being a Christian, u r freeing yrself from any artificial label attached to a spirit, which is usually a limitation more than an addition. When ice melts, it is reborn to be water again, which can take up any shape it wants itself to be!

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