Saturday, December 03, 2005

Abraham's clarification on selfishness

We do teach selfishness!

But the term we use is quite diff from most of u do.

Most of u live in a lackful reality, so u understand the term "selfishness" also from a lackful feeling place.

For most of u, selfishness means to get sth for myself I have to push against other ppl, I have to make them lose so that I can make me win. I have to take aways others' part to get my part.

We teach selfishness from an abundance standing point. Selfishness means u have to self-concentrate enough to align yrself with the source energy, no matter what. It means u have to mind yr own business, mind yr own good feeling enough to at one with source, no matter what. It means u have to neglect what other ppl think and feel enough so that u can fully concentrate on yr own thinking and feeling.

For if u r not connected, u have nothing to give! U cannot be sick enough to get others healthy, u cannot be poor enough to get others wealthy. When u join others into their confusion and negative emotion, u r not of value to them anyway.

So, when we say we teach selfishness, we do not mean that we r teaching pushing against. We mean that we r teaching self-concentration, self alignment and self connection, so that we have sth to give.

We r not teaching pushing against, we r teaching giving away!


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