Question: When I encounter with contradicting opinions, both are backed-up by lots of facts and evidence, which should I believe?
Written Answer:
There have been countless opinions regarding whatever subject u might think of. Those opinions have been attracting their believers and followers thru LOA. Those opinions have been passed along from generation to generation and been disseminated across different boundaries. It has been so since mankind exist in this world.
When u pick up someone's opinion and treat it as yours, u begin to see things thru the lens of its originator and along-passers. This is their attraction. It is attracted to them bcoz this opinion resonates with them.
Those opinions are reflection of a small portion of the Truth, only, but their believers insist that they are real and foremost. They don't know that their belief created their own reality. They don't know that their reality always reflects their belief. So they can always find evidence to prove that that what they have said is real and foremost.
Reality follows yr belief, not the other way around. So reality, yr experience, always proves u to be right, always justifies what u say. But reality cannot prove that yr experience is the only truth, bcoz those who embrace the opposite belief can also prove themselves to be right as well, for they also have their experience to backup them, to endorse on what they have said.
So, diff belief creates diff reality. Diff reality proves back that the belief is always true. Yr belief creates yr own reality, this is the complete truth.
So, when someone is saying to u, "This is so, I'm sure, bcoz my experience can prove it." We r wanting u to remind yrself that it is true to himself, only, but not to everyone else. Those who share the same belief with him, the truth is true to them also, but not to any other ppl who believe differently.
That's why u see so many contradicting opinions and ideology, creating so many different parties, so many groups of believers and followers. Each one of them has a lot of facts and evidence to show u and prove to u that they r telling the truth, they r not just bluffing without endorsement of facts and evidence!
But remember that no matter how much evidence they show u, they r just living a portion of the truth, they r just living half of the universe. Those who live the remaining half can show u same quantity of opposite evidence also!
What u have to do is to choose the half that serves u and make u feel good, leave the other half and let it be.
Podcast Detail:
Time Length-3.11
File Size -747kb
File Format- MP3 32kbps
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