Friday, December 16, 2005









Abraham:当一个人没有事先自主的设定自己要在当天过什么样的生活,那他就会被别人所投射的意念牵着走。你会发现他有计划当天时间怎么过的那一天,琐事再怎么多都好,正事(主轴)还是得以完成。你要介绍他听 Segment Intending 和 The Law of Deliberate Creation 的 CD,对他会很有帮助。

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Finding the right people

PurpleRain: How can I find the right people to join me in my MLM business?

Abraham: Finding right people seems to be more to an action journey than an emotional journey. We encourage u to alter yr saying to "Attracting the like people".

When u say u r attracting like people, u r reminding yrself that u have to be the one that u wana attract, first, before u start to attract those like people. It is just like the topic that u listen to recently entitled "Being a perfect mate, Finding a perfect mate".

Be that kind of ppl, first, and then by LOA u will draw them to u. It is effortless and it is an automatic process.

So, what kind of ppl u wana attract?

PurpleRain: I wana work with those who can get along happily and have confidence in me, and productive.

Abraham: How does it feel like?

PurpleRain: It feels happy, relaxed, inspiring, synergetic, refreshing, fun and yet highly productive. They won't have a lot of doubt, instead they have a lot of faith.

Abraham: So, fill yrself full with these feelings once u wake up from yr bed, fill yrself full with these feelings before u make any appointment, fill yrself full with these feelings before u get out and meet yr prospects, fill yrself full with these feelings when u r having yr conversation and presentation.

PurpleRain: It doesn't seem to be "doing" kind of action journey to me.

Abraham: No, it is not. It is an emotional journey, it is the state of being that matters and affects yr experience.

PurpleRain: It seems to me that everything starts from me, this little me.

Abraham: Yes u r correct. Leaving yrself u have no standing point to influence, and u have nothing to give...


Saturday, December 10, 2005

Attracting like people

Serve yrself well, feeling good about it, and attract the alike ones to join u. U no need too many ppl. Some ppl who r resonant with yr core together u can cocreate out unimaginably amazing things! Just attract the like ppl. Just focus on the like ppl, and everything will take care of itself.

Who are those right ppl? U have to define it. By yr definition u focus on attracting those ppl. Right ppl are debatable, for there is no one absolute standard to judge on this. But to attract like ppl is always right, bcoz it is vibrationally right.

Abraham on recruiting the right people






Saturday, December 03, 2005

Abraham's clarification on selfishness

We do teach selfishness!

But the term we use is quite diff from most of u do.

Most of u live in a lackful reality, so u understand the term "selfishness" also from a lackful feeling place.

For most of u, selfishness means to get sth for myself I have to push against other ppl, I have to make them lose so that I can make me win. I have to take aways others' part to get my part.

We teach selfishness from an abundance standing point. Selfishness means u have to self-concentrate enough to align yrself with the source energy, no matter what. It means u have to mind yr own business, mind yr own good feeling enough to at one with source, no matter what. It means u have to neglect what other ppl think and feel enough so that u can fully concentrate on yr own thinking and feeling.

For if u r not connected, u have nothing to give! U cannot be sick enough to get others healthy, u cannot be poor enough to get others wealthy. When u join others into their confusion and negative emotion, u r not of value to them anyway.

So, when we say we teach selfishness, we do not mean that we r teaching pushing against. We mean that we r teaching self-concentration, self alignment and self connection, so that we have sth to give.

We r not teaching pushing against, we r teaching giving away!


Thursday, December 01, 2005

Right or wrong?

What is right or wrong? The criteria that is compared against has been changing since yr history began. As human's values change, the criteria change accordingly.

One community's criteria often differs from other communities'. Whose standard is to follow anyway? Who should make the final judgement? One religion also differs from another, even within same religion there r a lot of contradictions.

There's no one universal right or wrong. Each one has to refer to his own IB to decide what is right or wrong under that specific circumstances for himself.

A patient is predicted to have 3 months left, should a doctor tell him the truth? Diff ppl diff argument, diff argument diff conclusion. U r not to impose yr own opinion upon others and force them to agree with u. Let them have their own opinions and u have yr own, and it will be a happy place to live.